Password: barcelona


How to send music from your mobile to the amplifier in the Gym. Connect to the wifi: Ibizastylebarcelona (Pasword Barcelona)

  • 1º turn the amplifier on (you don’t need to touch any other buttom)

  • 1º Open the spotify (you must have Premium Spotify)

  • 3º Pick the song or list you prefer and play it

  • 4º Then you will see this symbol in your screen

  • Touch it to find the amplifier named “GYM”

  • That’s it.

  • Once you finished, please turn the amplifier OFF. Thanks.

For any questions or concerns about the house, please contact:

Edgar de la Cova: Just for emergencies Tlf: +34 687 207 113
Before Calling him, please contact the manager

Sonia Martinez (Concierge) From Monday to Friday/8h +34 649 781 473

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